Coin Values Moving with Precious Metals: Up-Dated 3/10/2025: Gold $2906 | Silver $32.39

1865 Indian Head Penny Value

Your 1865 Indian head penny value is above average for the series. It is part of the post Civil War years with a small number of examples surviving.

Uncirculated 1865 Indian Head Penny

The change over to a 95% copper alloy in the cent is complete and the US mint begins to settle into many years of steady Indian head penny production. Unfortunately, or fortunate for anyone discovering they own one of these coins they are scarce compared to other years.

Despite millions minted the number of 1865 pennies with us today is only a fraction of this number. Pressed in service to satisfy commerce and heavily worn, truly outstanding condition coins are rare.

Pictured and desirable as a collectible is an "Uncirculated" 1865 Indian penny, eagerly sought in this condition and valued in the hundreds of dollars. Not only is the coin free from wear but also retains most of the original look and luster of when first minted. These and other characteristics push higher how much it is worth.

Below the value chart, the condition of your coin and how it determines value is detailed.

1865 Indian Head Penny Value
 Condition of Coin
  1865 Indian Head Penny Value Updated 2025
1865 $13 $27 $59 $128

Rare Surviving 1865 Indian Penny

Toning is just beginning to develop on the raised surfaces of this 1865 penny giving it a very pleasing appearance. Vibrant luster is still glowing from beneath the over coloring of toning. Combine with these features the absence of nicks from contact and the coin stands out as a gem among the total survivors.

Auctioned by David Lawrence rare coin auctions and receiving multiple bids demonstrated the common appeal this coin has to many collectors and dealers. This 1865 Indian head penny value settled at $408. A rewarding coin to own and readily accepted by many if time to sell.

Collecting old coins today is a popular hobby and most are sought, even worn examples. Judge your coins with this in mind, many have a valued place in a collection.

Glowing Luster and Rare 1865 Indian Penny

Condition Determines Value

As more and more collectors assemble sets of Indian pennies the condition of each is judged carefully. Values are separated by each coin’s appearance and remaining detail. At times only a small amount, or lack of wear separate what is necessary to please the eye of a collector and to pay a higher price. Compare your coin to the images and description finding an accurate value.

1865 Indian Head Penny Uncirculated Condition

Uncirculated: Desirable because no wear disturbs the surface. This penny despite its age is in like new condition and rising to the high end of 1865 Indian head penny value. Toning may appear as a dark redness and brown, however no parts of the design have been worn from contact. With a magnifying glass examine her cheek and the tips of the feathers for wear. Minting imparts a certain grain to the surfaces of coins, wear can appear as a somewhat glossy or smooth area and sometimes with dullness to the area.

1865 Indian Head Penny Extremely Fine Condition

Extremely Fine: Sharp detail remains on Indian pennies in extremely fine condition. Although some flattening from wear is evident it is found only on small portions of the coins. Within the head band "Liberty" is one of the highest points of the coin and the first to wear. All letters must be present to reach the extremely fine grade.

Indian Head Penny Fine Condition

Fine: Although a moderate amount of metal has worn from this 1865 penny it is still very sharp and crisp in appearance with good value. Important is a readable "Liberty" within the headband, partial blurring of some letters is acceptable. Her cheek remains mostly rounded as does the hair detail on the neck and near the eye. Clear separation of all design elements is necessary to reach the "fine" grade.

1865 Indian Head Penny Good Condition

Good: Very worn but still recognizable this 1865 Indian penny is in "good" condition. Even at this low end of the condition scale the main design elements are prominent. Her profile is outlined with some detail separating her cheek and neck. Although very little of the headdress is visible, there is some slight roundness to the feathers. Traveling around the rim all lettering is visible.

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