Coin Values Moving with Precious Metals: Up-Dated 3/17/2025: Gold $2985 | Silver $33.69

1926 Quarter Value

A clear, readable date is indicating 1926 quarter value begins in the $6.37 range. In Good grade, silver content is the primary factor with a small collector premium.

Standing Liberty quarters are closely inspected for both date and mint combination and condition. High quality, collector examples are in strong demand.

Steps are outlined to follow a process used by collectors to evaluate an accurate date and judge condition.

1926 Quarter - Standing Liberty Series - Obverse and Reverse View

Steps Leading to Value:

  • Step 1: Date and Mintmark Variety - Three varieties of 1926 quarters are part of the Standing Liberty quarter series. Each issue is individually confirmed and valued.
  • Step 2: Grading Condition - The state of preservation of these old quarters is surprisingly important to how much they are worth. Small details are inspected to judge condition.
  • Step 3: Special Qualities - Collectible quarters are next evaluated for added qualities. Many factors contribute to overall appeal of each coin.
1926 Quarter Value
 Condition of Coin
  Standing Liberty Quarter Values Updated 3/17/2025
1926 $6.37 $8.10 $39 $174
1926 D $8.10 $27 $58 $186
1926 S $6.37 $11.80 $82 $461

Viewing the above chart, branch mint issues and spotting high quality are key. Following a few steps narrows the range to an accurate place on the value chart.

Step 1: | Important Date and Mintmark Variety Identified

Varieties of 1926 Quarters to Recognize

1926 Standing Liberty quarters were minted at three mints creating separate varieties. Collections typically include all issues of each year to complete a set of quarters. This demand by collectors has noted the Denver coin as the scarce type for the year.

Identify the exact mint and date combination to place an accurate value on your coin.

1926-S Standing Liberty Quarter

"S" Mintmark on Obverse: San Francisco Mint Struck the Coin

San Francisco Mint Standing Liberty Quarter

After a pause in quarter production in the previous year, San Francisco struck 2.7 million quarters in 1926. An average number for the mint at the time. These are available in heavily worn condition and trade actively close to silver value. Collector quality premium begins at the Fine grade and expands greatly as more and more detail remains to the design. Grading is the key to how much these are worth.

Identify the San Francisco coin by the "S" mintmark placed on all quarters from the mint. At the base of the wall to the left of the date, a small "S" mark next to the last star is the San Francisco mintmark.

1926-D Standing Liberty Quarter

"D" Mintmark on Obverse: Denver Mint Struck the Coin

1926-D Standing Liberty Quarter

In the latter years of the 1920's, Denver production of quarters began to decline. 1926 saw 1.7 million struck by the facility. These were needed in circulation, stayed in use for a long time and became very worn. Noting the premiums on the chart indicates few remain in well detailed condition.

Denver's mintmark is a small "D" placed on its coinage. On the left side of the date, look at the base of the wall, the "D" is confirming the Denver variety 1926 quarter.

1926 Standing Liberty Quarter

No Mintmark on Obverse: Philadelphia Mint Struck the Coin

Philadelphia Mint Standing Liberty Quarter

Typical of the entire series, Philadelphia produced the majority of quarters for the year. 11.3 million 1926 quarters entered circulation, a greater number than the two branch mints combined. These Philadelphia coins are an excellent choice for a young collector; available and affordable.

Philadelphia did not use a mintmark during the minting of the Standing Liberty quarter series. Looking at the left of the date, if the space between the bottom star and date is empty, Philadelphia struck the quarter.

Step 2: | Judge Condition to Identify Grade

Grading Condition Confirms 1926 Quarter Value

Grading a quarter is a process of inspection the surface and determining stages of wear. Different amounts of wear are evident by inspecting remaining detail, starting with fine design elements for light wear. Heavy wear is measured by the condition of major elements of the design.

Starting with the mint state grade gives the opportunity to see the complete design as it was when first minted. Complete fine and major detail is visible on these top condition coins.

Mint State Grade

1926 Standing Liberty Quarter Mint State Grade

Mint State: All detail remains intact with no trace of wear on a coin in Mint State condition. This grade - mint state - are top condition coins and the strict quality of no wear to the surface is a key consideration.

Wear first presents itself on both Liberty's right knee and her mid-section. A close inspection of her knee shows this high relief area is the same texture as surrounding metal. As you tilt the coin under a light the shine is complete along the leg, no smoothing of the metal and no dull tone to the luster.

Liberty's mid-section is next judged for consistent qualities. Luster and texture of metal is similar across the entire section. Wear, if present dulls the metal and gives it a smooth, flattened texture.

Extremely Fine Grade

Standing Liberty Quarter Extremely Fine Grade

Extremely Fine: Wear appearing as flat spots on just the highest points of the design defines the Extremely Fine grade. Liberty's figure is high in relief and combined with its central location is subject to first wear.

Looking closely at Liberty's right knee a flattened area covers the very top. A smooth flat spot represents the knee and this smoothness extends to the foot and upwards to her hip. A contour remains on either side of the leg with the flat area only flattening the center.

Liberty's mid-section is showing a slight amount of wear. Texture of her gown is now smooth at the highest contours.

Fine Grade

Fine Grade Standing Liberty Quarter

Fine Grade: Moderate wear is an overall impression of a quarter in Fine grade. Many small lines have worn, elements of Liberty's gown and scarf near the shield have faded. Major parts of the design; lettering and upper edges of the shield remain very bold.

The highest relief area of the design, Liberty's right knee is now a flat area smooth from her hip to the foot. No evidence of her knee is seen.

Details across her mid-section are now well worn and a smooth area at the level of the leg, thigh and connecting with the scarf.

Good Grade

Standing Liberty Quarter in Good Grade

Good Grade: Heavy wear smoothing fine and major details defines a quarter in Good grade. The figure of Liberty is mostly an outline with just a few details.

No contours remain on either side of Liberty's right leg. Her hip, knee, and extending to the foot is all connected into a wide flat outline. This flatness continues across her mid-section, neck and head. Very little, if any separation of the shield remains as it crosses Liberty.

Date and lettering remain strong indicating a solid for the grade coin.

How to Video: Grading Standing Liberty Quarters

1926 quarters increase quickly in value when approaching the Fine grade. Added images and descriptions point to subtle factors to reach this condition of quality.

Video, Images and Descriptions | Grading Standing Liberty Quarters

Step 3: | Special Qualities Enhancing Value

1926 A Collectible Quarter with Strong Value

Standing Liberty quarters are a series of U.S. coinage with solid, built-in value. Often, rarity is associated with values. However, these quarters also possess many factors providing additional qualities strengthening their place in the coin collecting hobby.

Pleasing Design: A very distinctive portrayal of Liberty fills the obverse. Complemented by the eagle in flight on the reverse. Both well detailed. A timeless design.

Close-Up of Obverse Standing Liberty Quarter

Intrinsic Value: A heavy 90% silver alloy, worth well above face value.

Historic Significance: Minted spanning World I and recovery of the early 20th century.

Collectible: A challenge but not impossible series to collect. Scarce issues, the 1926 Denver variety as example, are well received by collectors when found in nice condition.

Quality in Circulated Condition: An active collector base seeks many of the date and mint combinations in circulated condition. Elusive qualities of nice strike and pleasing toning are examples with solid demand.

Close-Up of Eagle Reverse Standing Liberty Quarter

Standing Liberty quarters are a series both advanced and beginning collectors participate. A serious collector studies these coins to gain insight to the qualities separating the top condition coins remaining. Beginning collectors have an affordable range of coins within the latter years of the series to build a meaningful set. A series with a natural progression of entry level to advanced level of involvement as a collector.

Keeping all of the positives found within each of these historic quarters in mind, their value is on a solid base.


U.S. Mint. 1927 U.S. Mint Annual Report

Coin Values | CoinStudy Articles

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Coin Values Discovery finds 1926 Quarter Value and...

U.S. coin values determined using a step-by-step process. Begin with identifying the major coin series covering cents to gold coins. Images are used throughout to compare dates, mint varieties, special varieties, and grading condition of your coins. Follow a few steps to a narrow range on value charts.