Coin Values Moving with Precious Metals: Up-Dated 2/17/2025: Gold $2893 | Silver $32.19
Currently $12.71 each your 1933 half dollar value is the minimum a heavily worn coin is worth. It is tied to today's silver coin value.
How well your old Walking Liberty half dollar has survived, noted by the amount of wear reducing its surfaces, determines if it is valued as a collectible or by silver content. Most of these old coins survive in heavily worn condition at which point the value of a 1933 half dollar rises and falls with the price of silver. However, your coin becomes very desirable to collectors and dealers if considerable detail remains.
The coin pictured is an exceptional 1933 half dollar, one that has never circulated and received any wear, a true rare coin and valued above $625. Images to compare your coin and judge its condition are further down the page.
Many dates of this popular series are perused by collectors in lightly circulated condition. Value of your coin, upon close examination is likely to rise above the minimum silver price.
Of three mints producing coins at the time only San Francisco struck 1933 half dollars that year.
Enough were produced there to satisfy demand. As a result all 1933 halves show an "S" mintmark on the reverse identifying the mint. A small "S" is located on the reverse, look along the rim in the area highlighted by the image.
1933 Half Dollar Value | ||||
Condition of Coin | ||||
Date | Good | Fine | Extremely Fine | Uncirculated |
1933 Walking Liberty Half Dollar Value Updated | 2/17/2025 | |||
1933 S | $12.71 | $17.43 | $85 | $739 |
As minted, the intense blue-white of the original silver color radiates from this 1933-S Walking Liberty half dollar. Care far exceeding most coins has preserved a silver half in a condition placing it at the top of rarity and value.
Rarely is a coin fortunate enough to avoid accumulating handling marks, nicks, scrapes and abrasions. Next it must remain protected from the elements to avoid staining to its delicate silver surface. Should all of this be done without any cleaning or disturbing the originality of the coin, today's collector places a high value on such rare coins.
Selling at auction this coin realized $2,875 a strong measure of its desirability as an addition to an advanced collection of rare silver half dollars.
Condition - how nice the coin has survived- separates the common from rare silver coins. It is a consideration in addition to date and mintmark. Collectors and dealers are striving to find the best for their collections or inventories. Each old coin is examined and a "grade" of its condition is determined. Grade your Walking Liberty half dollar against the images finding the closet grade match, giving you an accurate 1933 half dollar value.
Uncirculated: If your coin was put away long ago before any wear from circulation took place it is in "uncirculated" condition and at the top of 1933 half dollar value. Typically toning has begun to cover parts of the coin, but the original luster is unbroken by wear. Examine Liberty's outstretched arm and rear leg, if the luster is missing because of wear, indicating the coin is circulated, these areas appear dull.
Extremely Fine: An old Walking Liberty half dollar in "extremely fine" condition has lost only a small amount of design detail due to wear. The luster of a new coin is gone but the overall look is still well defined and pleasing. Light flattening is visible on Liberty's head, the uppermost folds of her gown and just above the date. Separation of the branches she holds is still complete.
Fine: Notable to "fine" condition is the continuous flatness extending from Liberty's head to her foot. And on the reverse is a wide smooth area from the eagle's head along the chest to the leg. On both sides once rounded designs have worn away, there is noticeable flatness to branches and leaves, the sun and its rays, and along the folds in Liberty's gown.
Good: Once a highly detailed Liberty with a flowing gown is now just a distinctly flat outline. It is no longer clear Liberty is holding many branches. Her head, torso and leg are all one smooth and flat area. Most collectors replace coins in this condition with finer examples, leaving these at the low end of 1933 half dollar value.
Walking Liberty Half Dollar Value Chart
Silver half dollars are collected in a wide range of conditions, from the high priced gems to pleasing circulated examples. The Walking Liberty half dollar series is avidly sought by collectors and rare coin dealers. Judge your coins with grading images and determine condition. Value charts list all date and mintmark combinations leading to an accurate value of your old rare coins. Becoming scarce, the early date Walking Liberty half dollars are beginning to break away from today's minimum silver coin value.
Half Dollar Value Covering all Series
Many rare and valuable coins are found throughout the entire history of silver half dollars. Spanning 1794 through the 1960's discover not only your 1933 half dollar value but how much the rest of these rare silver coins are worth. Value charts list all by date and mintmark. The Franklin series of half dollars, Barber halves, Seated Liberty and the rare early Bust half dollars.
★Return to Coin Values Discovery... find 1933 half dollar value and... It is an excellent reference list with images and text links to all US coin series, from Cents to Gold. Value charts are combined with grading images and descriptions to uncover the wide range of common to rare coin values found in your box of old coins.
Recommendations on basic supplies that greatly improve coin storage. Providing for safe handling, preserving of value and organizing your box of old coins. Walking Liberty half dollars need a certain amount of careful handling to maintain their appeal to collectors. Housing them safely is covered in the Safe Coin Storage article.