Coin Values Moving with Precious Metals: Up-Dated 3/17/2025: Gold $2985 | Silver $33.69

1934 Dime Value

Minimum 1934 dime value is $2.47 for a coin in "good" condition, rising because of the value of the silver it contains.

Uncirculated 1934 Dime Value

It is the condition of your old silver dime that plays an important part in its value. A coin with only slight wear begins to have added collector value. Pictured is an uncirculated 1934 dime worth $26 or more, due largely to the very nice condition.

Your coin is part of the popular Mercury head dime series. Avidly collected, and when looking for higher value there is another point to consider. Increase in value is found with the presence of the "D" mintmark, indicating the dime was minted in Denver, it has proven scarce in higher condition.

The value chart details how much your 1934 dime is worth, highlighting differences depending on the amount of wear, and mintmarks. Further down the page are descriptions of the mintmark location and how to judge the condition of your old silver dimes.

1934 Dime D Mintmark Location

Today interest in collecting Mercury dimes is high.

Collections are assembled by date and often include coins of the different mints that produced dimes for that year. In 1934 two mints, Philadelphia and Denver struck dimes, a "D" mintmark for the Denver mint is found on the reverse. If your coin is without a mintmark, it was struck at the Philadelphia mint.

1934 Dime Value
 Condition of Coin
  1934 Dime Value Updated 3/17/2025
1934 $2.47 $2.65 $2.97 $25
1934 D $2.47 $2.65 $4.58 $45

Rarity in 1934 Dime Value

Pale gold toning is just beginning to appear over the intense original silver grey of this gem 1934 Mercury dime. Natural toning often adds to the eye appeal of a coin, and is a trait collectors appreciate.

Closely following a David Lawrence Rare Coin Auction more than one serious collector was interested in adding this coin to their holdings and their competition pushed the final price to $460. Many other features of this coin, bold strike, clear surfaces, are outstanding and are rarely combined into one.

Values of old dimes start at the silver they contain. Add collector interest for certain dates, mintmarks and the willingness to pay for higher quality and now many Mercury head dimes are worth well above their silver value.

Rare 1934 Mercury Dime

Condition Drives 1934 Dime Value Higher

The chart shows the value of a 1934 dime in "extremely fine" condition is far higher than a coin in "good" condition. Collectors and dealers are always searching for the best quality, best preserved coins. They judge the condition of each and assign a "grade." Comparing your coins to the images finds the accurate condition value on the chart.

1934 Dime Uncirculated Condition

Uncirculated: This Mercury dime never circulated. Untouched since minted, it shines with luster. Your coin in this condition may show toning, but underneath there is no evidence of wear. Rotated under a light, an unbroken, radiating luster rolls across the surface. An uncirculated coin is one sparkling with a freshness placing it at the top of 1934 dime value.

Mercury Dime Extremely Fine Condition

Extremely Fine: Although this coin has been in circulation, it sill remains very detailed in appearance. Across the surface a small amount of wear is visible. The feather details of the wing above Liberty's ear have worn and lost detail but remain separated. Also a slight flatness to the once rounded cheek is noticeable. On the reverse, all of the vertical lines of the "fasces" are separated.

Mercury Dime Fine Condition

Fine: Wear is noticeable covering the entire surface, diminishing the minor parts of the design. A blending of hair details on the obverse and a flattening of the design in the leaf details on the reverse. At this stage of wear your old coin still retains a pleasing look.

Mercury Dime Good Condition

Good: After many years of use the portraits of each series are reduced to just an outline with little detail left. The rim of the Barber dime is distinct however the rim of the Mercury dime is beginning to merge with the lettering. Worn almost smooth these dimes are at the low end of the 1934 dime value.

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