Coin Values Moving with Precious Metals: Up-Dated 3/17/2025: Gold $2985 | Silver $33.69
As Jefferson nickels gain in popularity values begin to widen between low condition coins and high quality examples. Accurately grading Jefferson nickels becomes necessary.
Reviewing the video and images below; differences in condition become easier to judge. Your coins may be worn, however to what degree? Subtle details remaining now determine how much its worth.
In today's market the focus is primarily in the Mint State grade; coins as minted without any wear to the surface. When choosing a coin to add to their collection the uncirculated (mint state) grade is a collector's first choice. Detailed below is the process to judge, identify and separate out these collector quality old nickels.
Continue the process of placing an accurate grade and ultimately an accurate value on your Jefferson nickels.
Pictured is an example of a collector grade nickel. Uncirculated condition is confirmed by delicate luster covering the surface completely. No breaks in the luster due to wear are evident. If this coin was ever in circulation the high points would lack the shimmer of the fine grain to the surface.
A small amount of wear covers the surface. However the finer details are only slightly worn and remain.
In fine condition wear has removed most of the higher relief detail. Even if just outlines, all major elements of the design remain.
Overall heavy wear is the impression of a Jefferson nickel in Good condition. Gone are all but outlines of the major designs. Current demand for Jefferson nickels in Good condition is low. Affordability of higher grades limits the values of these coins.
Circulated Jefferson nickels are still in the early stages of collectability. Dates from the thirties and forties show the greatest potential for demand in slightly worn condition. Focus your attention on the Mint State (uncirculated) grade to find today's and future value leaders.
Grading Old Coins || Video Index
Nickels from the old Liberty nickel to the popular and collectable Buffalo nickel. Video, images and descriptions define what is needed to grade these coins.
Jefferson Nickel Values | Discover Their Worth
Put to use the grading skills to evaluate Jefferson nickel condition. Values by date and grade listed.
★Coin Values Discovery pulls together... Grading Jefferson Nickels and...
Value charts in combination with grading images to judge condition. Discover how much your old coin are worth. Coin series spanning Cents to Gold. Get the best price if selling by knowing the accurate value of your coins.